Round 1
Team Beloved
Saffy, AmbyLeigh, Princess Garnet, CakeBatter and SilverSoulBird,
OmiiPride09, Mellie, ValkyrieCeles and the results.
Team Dylan
Group song, Ariah`, Mr. Kitty, Copper and AudreyGoLightly13,
Skywish, Bryson Baugus, SharpCookies, Madi and the results.
Team Turtle
Snowfender, Alivieina, Princess Clairey and Despicable,
Sikono, HeavenIncarnate, Farrah, Nani and the results.
Round 2
Team Dylan
Madi, Copper, Skywish and Bryson Baugus,
AudreyGoLightly13, SharpCookies, Ariah` and the results.
Team Turtle
Group cover, Snowfender, PrincessClairey and Nani,
HeavenIncarnate, Sikono, Despicable, Farrah and the results.
Team Beloved
OmiiPride09, ValkyrieCeles, AmbyLeigh and SilverSoulBird,
Princess Garnet, Mellie, Saffy and the results.