Contestants were sent lessons on diction and energy along with the challenge.
11Linda and leave_me_alone,
Lex the Archer, Miss Voice of an Angel and Bright Disaster,
Temporary Butterfly, Fandubsx24x7 and Zain,
Skywish, Copper and the results.
Contestants were sent a lesson on emotions along with the challenge.
Lex the Archer, 11Linda and Temporary Butterfly,
Miss Voice of an Angel, leave_me_alone and Skywish,
Zain, Copper and the results.
Contestants were sent lessons on crying, laughing, and pain along with the challenge.
Copper/Temporary Butterfly and Zain/Skywish,
Lex the Archer/leave_me_alone, 11Linda and the results.
Contestants were sent a lesson on multiple takes along with the challenge.
Temporary Butterfly and leave_me_alone,
Lex the Archer, 11Linda, Skywish and the results.
Contestants submitted twice this week; an original take and then a retake after receiving direction from one of the judges.
Lex the Archer and Skywish,
leave_me_alone and 11Linda.
Temporary Butterfly and the results.